Tuesday, May 15, 2007


After all the ranting about the downsides of the internet, here is an amazing way the internet is being used to connect people, to speak truth, to build solidarity and courage.

Ava Lowery is a 16 year old peace activist from Alabama, and her skill and talent with media has her making amazing videos that she posts on her website peacetakescourage.com

One of her videos is WWJD? which is one of the most powerful things I've seen in a while.

May we all find our voice to speak out against destruction, violence, hatred and war.

1 comment:

Amy said...

This is in Australia:


Other videos about it show people doing this all over - getting people out.

BTW - I do have a MySpace account and really communicate to a much larger degree with my sister, a couple cousins and a few other people that I wouldn't otherwise write/hear from.
The other addition to this conversation is the thought that people seem willing to go deeper online - to talk about things they might not in person - to think something through in a different way. It's not a replacement for conversation and discussion - but it does have some advantages. There is, of course, a flip side to this...but to me it's a baby/bathwater issue.