Saturday, November 11, 2006

A November morning

Today I received an unexpected gift. The gift of time. With this unexpected gift, the gift of sunshine, of a clear, crisp day, a finished sermon and a great cup of coffee has me taking deep breaths for the first time in a while. (deep breaths also due in part to the fact that my head cold has finally declared a retreat)

What beauty is found on these cold autumn days. Even though snow has come and gone a few times, it is still autumn. Even though this far north the trees have long since lost their leaves, the beauty of this season is evident.

The beauty that is the birdsongs around the feeders. The beauty that is the woodfire smoke in the air. The beauty that is the crisp breeze that sharpens the skin and tingles the nose. The beauty that is the hearty bowl of soup that energizes the whole body.

There is a clarity that comes with this time of year. When one can see, hear, and smell for miles. Sometimes this stark clarity can be difficult and can feel like a death of summer.

But for most who live in northern climes, it is permission to experience the world in its simplicity. What a gift.

1 comment:

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

We had about four inches of snow here last night. I posted pictures. That first snow is usually sooo beautiful.

But I still have lots of leaves that need raking! Ack!