Friday, November 17, 2006

Giving Thanks

The Friday Five this week invites us to share (at least) 5 people or things we are thankful for. I imagine that you would also find, as I did, once you begin this list, there are certainly more than 5 items that line up. I invite you also to consider and actually write or verbalize these things for yourself and for your community and loved ones.

I give thanks to God for these things:
1. For life, for breath, for the opportunity to live in the love of God.
2. for the opportunity to serve as pastor for this congregation of wonderful people.
3. For my family- my husband, my sweet puppy, my mother, sister and brother, my extended family- they continue to shape who I am.
4. For my friends, who are my family as well. Even though distance and time may separate our friendship, we still remain close in our hearts and minds.
5. For the privilege to write in this space. To have the opportunity to use and own a computer, to have the funds to use the internet. To have the freedom to speak my mind and my heart. This is not something I take lightly- many do not have this chance.

the rest, well, I look up, see all that surrounds me, and I give thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This blogging thing is really quite the luxury and privilege, isn't it?
Thanks for playing this week!