Thursday, March 01, 2007

March comes in like a Monkey?

Though we seem to be the lone area of the midwest that has sunshine and blue sky, the wind is raging outside as the snow, ice and blizzard closes every school, government office and public gathering place around us.

My confirmands prayed for a blizzard last night- And God gave one- just not to us.

It's interesting how much people anticipated this storm. They, quite literally, prayed for a snow storm. It is unusual that we have not yet been snowbound this winter, when usually we are blanketed in snow from November through April.

No matter what the theory of Global warming, it is apparent to me that this earth is heating up. The air currents are changing, bringing storms to places that are not usually prepared for them. And our response is anger, frustration and disbelief.

Why are we so surprised? We have known for years we are changing our earth home.

Hear No Evil. Speak No Evil. See No Evil

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