Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rainy Autumn Days

Today is the first day since September 1 that I feel I have some sense of peace about this church work stuff. It's been a long month and a half. Rather than January 1 or Advent, it seems like September is the beginning of the church year- and the chaos continues through October when the first big snow settles everything down a bit.

This is my second autumn in formal parish (read: paid) ministry and sometimes I still look over my shoulder when someone asks for "the pastor." I still feel like the little kid at ministerial meetings, I am 20 years younger and way more female than pastors in my conference. One can't help but wonder... when will I feel all growed up?

No matter- today is a day of peace. The ladies' holiday "bizaare" has ended, there is no council meeting tonight, confirmation has be cancelled for tomorrow. I have some "Dead Like Me" episodes on Netflix and a beautiful bottle of red wine to bo with some southern baked chicken and grits.

The journey to winter has begun.


Pink Shoes said...

Sounds like a good meal, though, and sometimes that's the best thing ever.
Good to read, glad you're writing again!

Amy said...

I wonder how long it takes before we stop feeling like we're playing church.

I hope that meal was good - it sounded fantastic & like it would be a calm and contemplative night at home. True beauty.