Thursday, March 27, 2008

Musings... perhaps a hint of holy ground

I've started this post many times- only to be

A. frustrated (having the family around- all of them- requires and inordinate amount of pastoral peace keeping.

B. bored (my rule of thumb with my sermons is if I'm bored, the congregation is. Thus the rule with the blog if I'm bored, you are)

C. distracted (hmmm, I wonder what's on the food network now and can I hope to recreate Ina's fresh pea soup with mint... or would it be better with basil or...)

So, I offer to you some of the many places of the post Holy Week/Easter Sunday haze that have me circling around the deeper questions in life.

Not, what does Jesus really mean when he offers peace to the disciples, but rather, why are there never enough M&Ms in gorp?


Pink Shoes said...

I've, on occasion, bought an extra bag of M&Ms to mix with the gorp, making it more of mmmmmmmgorp.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

because someone rather silly decided raisins and peanuts were 'healthier' for us... clearly they were gravely mistaken.