Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Holy Grounds: a rainy spring day

Like the Psalmists, it is a healthy thing indeed to cry out--

A beautiful cup of coffee this morning, with no less than 12 species of birds at our feeders.

I'm not sure when I became a binocular holding, quick referencing the bird book, shushing people in the living room person, but I am entirely enamored with Evening Grosbeaks!

It's a bird that kind of reminds me of a superhero.
And if I ever get to choose a mascot, it will be the fighting grosbeaks!


Pink Shoes said...

Ah, times spent in front of a childhood windown gazing upon those birds. They are delightful creatures.
I had two red birds of unknown origin fly past me in my own decidedly not northwoods yard the other day and I stood in awe as I watched them.

Pastor Peters said...

yeah! the psalms!!!!

i gotta remember to notice wildlife.

Dzeniferka said...

Awesome! I've also been getting a bit more into birds here... so many people ask me "What is that bird called in English?" I've learned to look up, wonder, and research! Love the grosbeak :)