Friday, January 04, 2008

Holy Ground: A January Morning

I woke up tired today... the shortened hours of daylight do not help much. But at least it was slightly above zero this morning. Slightly.

It's the post Christmas slump, it's the ache of missing family and conversation I reveled in for 3 days. It's the Christmas tree starting to slump to the side.

But then I read the NYTimes Article

And I am hopeful again.

I have some education to do here, especially when the otherwise open folks here don't "want a president whose name I'm can't pronounce" (they are Finnish, have you ever tried to pronounce Finnish? Obama is nothing compared to that)

But today... this new year... I am hopeful

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am too...both because of how things are going electorally, but also - the big news story of how many people caucused in Iowa. We (and our age group is a large part of it) are caring and figuring out how to be involved in the world/community. That also gives me hope.